Sunday’s Magic News


The Jet Li of Magic

The Jet Li of Magic, Ray Lum.  Ray Lum of Morgan Hill, California is featured in today?s Mercury News as one of the people in the know and to know.  He has been described as the Jet Li of Magic and not coincidentally, Jet Li has been described as the Ray Lum of Acting and Martial Arts.  


Read On . . .


The paper did a wonderful job of profiling this prolific and impressive representative of our Art.  When asked for his favorite sleight of hand practice, Mr. Lum responded:


My dad was in Shaolin. He taught me most everything in the Shaolin arts, like tai chi. Martial arts and magical arts are in parallel lines. In martial arts, to get ahead of the opponent, you have to be five steps ahead and you have to use your eyes real good to see each body movement. In magic, you have to know each and every eye, where they’re going to look. If you don’t move right, you’re going to be in trouble.


Check out Mr. Lum?s website for great footage of some new effects performed by this master here.



Not the Same Appleton

The Chicago Tribune gives its readers fifteen ways to enjoy Wisconsin.  Unfortunately, two of the ?ways? are on opposite…


The Jet Li of Magic

The Jet Li of Magic, Ray Lum.  Ray Lum of Morgan Hill, California is featured in today?s Mercury News as one of the people in the know and to know.  He has been described as the Jet Li of Magic and not coincidentally, Jet Li has been described as the Ray Lum of Acting and Martial Arts.  


Read On . . .


The paper did a wonderful job of profiling this prolific and impressive representative of our Art.  When asked for his favorite sleight of hand practice, Mr. Lum responded:


My dad was in Shaolin. He taught me most everything in the Shaolin arts, like tai chi. Martial arts and magical arts are in parallel lines. In martial arts, to get ahead of the opponent, you have to be five steps ahead and you have to use your eyes real good to see each body movement. In magic, you have to know each and every eye, where they’re going to look. If you don’t move right, you’re going to be in trouble.


Check out Mr. Lum?s website for great footage of some new effects performed by this master here.



Not the Same Appleton

The Chicago Tribune gives its readers fifteen ways to enjoy Wisconsin.  Unfortunately, two of the ?ways? are on opposite sides of the Metaphorical Magic Spectrum (?MMS?).  Number 3(a) suggests you visit the ??AKA Houdini? show at the Outagamie Museum–one of its exhibits has pulled controversy out of a hat by letting you see how the Metamorphosis trick works.? 


Number 3(b), reads ?Better yet, materialize in Appleton Sept. 2-5 for Houdini Days, which honors the legendary magician with lectures, demonstrations and shows. On Saturday, there’ll be 13 illusionists on the main stage.?



David Weighs All Assistants

Ever wonder how much one of David Copperfield?s assistants weight.  Trust me, the best way to determine their weight is not storming the stage and grabbing them around the waist and lifting them above your head.  And to all of those friends who sent get-well cards, thank you.  I am almost completely healed. 


Well, there is an easier way.  You could read one of his Contract Riders.  There is an article in the York Daily Record today about the riders of famous acts, including my favorite touring magician.  ?The height of each female assistant shall be between 5?3? to 5?7? and their respective weight shall not exceed 125 pounds.? 


You can read the article here. 

You can read David Copperfield?s full Secrecy Agreement at the Smoking Gun, here. 

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