Tag: Johanna Grajales

Magician Jan Rouven Takes Place in ‘Justice League’

Inside Magic Image of Magician Jan Rouven and His Lovely Assistant Johanna GrajalesLas Vegas Review-Journal columnist Mike Weatherford suggests only the the discriminating magic show consumer can decide whether the town really needs a half-dozen big-box illusion shows.  He asks, “So many magicians, but who has the real magic?”

Magician Jan Rouven is the sixth “big-box” illusionist on the town this summer.  Steve Wyrick boosted the big-boxers total to an even seven with his new Ultra Magician show at the Las Vegas Hilton.

Mr. Weatherford points out that there may be six or seven shows but there is some overlap.  “Each show pretends to ignore the others, which is one reason you see a lot of the material duplicated. Another is that none of the contenders has been humble enough to propose some type of Justice League of magic team-up; they all hope the others will go away.”

The review is good for the new name on the scene.

“He’s a young, likable German with charisma and only minimally goofy stage attire (sparkly yes, but no epaulets or animal prints),” says Mr. Weatherford.

Rouven presents one of the oldest of the “big-box” effects, Metamorphosis with a dangerous update.  The magician and beautiful, but stealthy assistant Johanna Grajales perform the classic in “lighting fast” fashion.  The speedy exchange is even more incredible considering Rouven begins the transposition securely locked in tank of water.

“It’s refreshing,” Mr. Weatherford observes, “to have an illusionist young and physically spry enough to play the danger card convincingly, not just jamming younger assistants into boxes.”
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