David Blaine Confusion

David Blaine
David Blaine – Not Adam Rodriguez!

There are stories that we just must cover.  They are so compelling, so moving that we would do our reader (or on a good week, readers) real harm if we failed to report.

This is not one of those stories.  This is the type of story that we cover because we are either paid to include it in our global news syndicate or urged to cover by some of the younger staff members working for minimum wage and discounted access to the vending machines in our headquarter double-wide structure located in the high desert of California.

So this article is for young Natasha; our newest unpaid intern (an “untern”).  Tasha received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia and has previously written for major publications found on magazine racks throughout the English-speaking world.  She was nominated for the prestigious Mena Non-Fiction Writing Award in 2015 and is currently completing her master’s thesis on the syntactical structure of modern languages.

She works here at Inside Magic for the invaluable exposure to real journalism.  We think she lives near the Inside Magic double-wide and claims to not be bothered by the exhausting hours, poor air circulation, incessant emotional berating and inappropriate overtures by our senior staff.  She is either a very dedicated cub reporter looking to learn or setting us up for some sort of employment lawsuit.

But this was her story suggestion.

TV Guide Reports: David Blaine Looks Like Criminal Minds’ Star, Adam Rodriguez.

Adam Rodriguez
Adam Rodriguez – Not David Blaine!

The latest edition of The TV Guide reports that Criminal Minds featured performer Adam Rodriguez “has been mistaken for [magician David Blaine] more than once, like the time when he was at a Yankee game and someone asked Rodriguez to take a photo — and then threw in a lame joke for good measure.

“The guy I’m taking the picture with is going, ‘Hey, don’t disappear on me or anything,’ and I’m like, ‘Alright, I won’t,'” Rodriguez tells TVGuide.com. “And then he said something else alluding to magic and I go, ‘Who do you think I am?’ And he goes, ‘You’re the magician guy! David Blaine!’ And I’m like, ‘No!’ And his friends are going, ‘No! He’s on that show CSI: Miami!'”

You can read about other instances of confusion between the magician and Mr. Rodriguez at The TV Guide’s website here.

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